Diet Food For Breakfast

Cereal Portion Size

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Welcome to our Recommended Cereal Portion Guidance

How much should you put in the bowl? As each cereal is a different shape and size, try our cereal portion guidance tips to find the answer…


A bowl of cereal as part of a balanced breakfast is a great way to start the day, but how much cereal you consume should depend on your energy needs. When it comes to cereal, we have found that a 30 gram portion fits well with the energy needs of a child between 6 and 8 years old as part of a balanced breakfast. In fact, this is the standard portion reference that we use on most of our cereal packs. This reference value makes it easy to compare the nutrition values of one cereal to another.



Of course, the most accurate way to get 30 or 45 grams of cereal in a bowl is to weigh it! When you've done it once, you'll know what the portion looks like in your favourite cereal bowl, and you probably won't need to do it again. But to save you time hunting for your kitchen scale, we have some other methods which can help you get a similar result, with the help of our cereal portion guidance chart at the bottom of this page.



Of course, the most accurate way to get 30 or 45 grams of cereal in a bowl is to weigh it! When you've done it once, you'll know what the portion looks like in your favourite cereal bowl, and you probably won't need to do it again. But to save you time hunting for your kitchen scale, we have some other methods which can help you get a similar result, with the help of our cereal portion guidance chart at the bottom of this page.



Counting is fun and kids like it. We’ve found the number of pieces it takes to get the desired weight in the bowl. Of course, this method only works for cereals made of regular pieces that are all about the same weight. You may not have the time to do it  every day, but why not try it on the weekend?

How much milk do you have with cereal?

A 30-gram portion of cereals pairs up nicely with 125ml of milk. Whether you prefer the dairy version or you usually go for the lactose-free drinks such as soy, coconut or almond drinks, aim to pour 125ml for a heavenly breakfast. Find out why they make such a great pairing with our article about cereal and milk, and discover delicious plant-based drinks you can try with cereals.  

Serving cereals with alternative milk drinks

Many alternative milk drinks are lower in calories than dairy milk. So why not venture out into the world of plant-based drinks and add almond or coconut drinks to your bowl of cereals? Their exciting flavours will tempt you to use them in your coffee too! 

How many calories should breakfast be?

Aim for 300-400 calories for your first meal of the day. When enjoying cereals, it’s very easy to calculate the number of calories for each breakfast. Check out the labels on your cereals and milk, measure the quantities and you can work out straightaway if you’re over the recommended number of calories.

Serving cereals with fruits

If you’re aiming for your five portions of fruits and vegetables a day, check out the best fruits for breakfast. From exotic twists to citrusy breakfasts, you can add almost any fruit under the sun to your cereal bowl. These combinations are so full of flavour and colour, you will want to try them again and again. 
We hope you’ll enjoy filling your bowls as much as emptying them! Remember that there are many tasty cereal toppings ideas you can add to your breakfast. Explore all of them, next!


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