Breakfast Ideas

Hot or Cold Milk With Cereal?

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Shreddies with hot milk

As the temperatures drop and winter sets in, it's the perfect time to enjoy a cosy and comforting breakfast to start the day. But the question is…do you enjoy your cereal with hot or cold milk during winter?

We’ve looked at the pros and cons of both so you can make up your own mind and see what you prefer…

So, it seems there are benefits of both hot and cold milk on cereal, but why not give both a try and make up your own mind! Looking to ‘unlock your morning energy*’? Start your day by shaking off the cold by trying your Shreddies with hot milk. Looking for the perfect winter warmer? Try Shredded Wheat with hot milk to help make the winter mornings cosier. Adding winter berries is also a great way to help mix up your mornings!

Look out for our Shreddies and Shredded Wheat “Try with Hot Milk” packs in-store and online now.

*Shreddies is a source of iron. Iron contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism. Enjoy as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.