Discover what the 'best before end' label means and how we can all act to stop food from going to waste.
We all want to do our part to protect the environment in whatever way we can. Maybe you’ve started reducing your paper usage or you’re turning off the tap and devices more often to save water and energy. Perhaps you even have a recycling bin at home, and you’ve made sure that everyone in the family uses it.
It’s time to pay attention to the other bin in the house. The one where food goes in. Every day good food is being wasted. According to UK charity WRAP, we waste 12% of the food that we buy with an average household of four throwing away £1,000 of good food each year. In 2021, 6.4 million tonnes of food waste was generated, equally £21.8 billion in value3 (2021 prices). This doesn’t impact only our pockets, but also our environment.
Every time we throw food away, we are wasting all of the precious resources that go into making it, including the energy, water, inputs like fertiliser and the labour it takes to farm and manufacture it. This waste has a big impact on our climate too, so much so that if food waste was a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions globally.