Breakfast Ideas

6 Easy Breakfast Ideas for Students

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Shreddies bowlshot with Raspberries and Blueberries

‘Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day’ - a line that many of us have heard a lot. Some students wake up without enough time before their 9 AM lecture to have a balanced breakfast, or don’t have the time to dedicate to making breakfast. This is why we wanted to create an article highlighting quick and easy breakfast ideas for university students. 

6 Quick and easy breakfast food ideas for university students 

Making sure to incorporate breakfast into your morning routine is important before a day of lectures. Here are the top 6 quick and easy breakfast ideas for university students, with Nestlé cereals as part of their ingredients.

The benefits of Nestlé Cereal ingredients

There are many ways to include Nestlé cereals as part of your morning breakfast. We have been on a journey for the past 18 years to make sure our cereal recipes make breakfast even better. That means, we have been working on increasing whole grain and fibre, whilst making sure to reduce their sugar and salt content.

Nestlé cereals which carry a Green banner have whole grain as the number one ingredient. Many Nestlé breakfast bowls of cereal are fortified with 5 vitamins and 2 minerals, including riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, iron and calcium. Some cereals are also fortified with vitamin D. Find out more about fortified cereals. Combining your favourite breakfast cereal with different toppings and fruit, or using them in recipes is a great way to add some excitement to your breakfast.

Make sure you start your day off with a delicious fast and easy breakfast ahead of your day of lectures or studying. Of course, there are plenty of other marvellous creations you can make with our cereals, just take a look at our recipe hub for more great ideas!

Now, that’s our list of quick and easy breakfast food ideas for university students. Why not take a look at some of the top excuses for skipping breakfast and how to avoid them, next?